
Showing posts from 2011
Please note that information on my blog is mainly pertaining to the 80s Coleco and Hasbro mass-market Cabbage Patch Kids. Also, I am no expert nor do I claim to be. Information on this site has been collected from numerous sources. See my information tab.

Rerooting Instructions

These are some rerooting instructions that I received from Darlina Metz. REROOTING INSTRUCTIONS   Tools Needed   Needle nose pliers,  Needle (a Susan Bates Steel Yarn #16, 2” or 5cm or #20 tapestry needle)  Yarn –start with 4oz more for an elaborate hairdo.  Scissors, zip ties (found at a hardware store 18”)  small channel locks.

My Patch

J enifer, a bald #8 transitional Preemie from Hasbro with blue eyes, was my very first Cabbage Patch Kid. It must have been 1989 or around there because that’s the year that Hasbro took over manufacturing rights. I remember finding her at K-Mart and I just knew she was the one I wanted. The photo on the left is Jenifer with my daughter when we were in California. Since we moved, I haven't been able to find her. Her birth name wasn’t Jenifer, but that’s what I wanted her name to be. As a child, I didn’t think anything about keeping her certificate or anything for a memento.

Preemie Reroot

Before: After :

Babies, Preemies, & Toddlers – A Li’l Bit O’ Info

Babies ('86-'90) Introduced in 1986, these 12" Babies have a bean-filled butt, hence the nickname “Bean Butt Baby” (BBB for short). The first editions were bald and came wearing knit outfits and a blanket, in head molds #1, #3, #4 and #6. Their pacifiers were a lot softer than regular ‘Kids’. Later editions, in 1987 and 1988, the knit outfit change to cotton prints. Head molds #18, #20 and #21 were also added. Some of the transitional Babies (half Coleco/half Hasbro), had tuffs of cream, tan, or rusty red hair. Factories that made Babies are: WS and SS.

Vintage Birthmark Signatures

Signatures Click on the photos to enlarge. From Jamie (Mullin) Osterbuhr's book, Fundamentals of Cabbage Patch Kids

She has a smoke smell!!!!!!

I got this little darling off evilbay. I've been so excited for her to finally arrive.  She came today and before I even opened the box, I could tell it smelled like smoke.  I hoped it was just the box, but when I smelled her, she reaks!

Abbi Update - A "Kid on the Go" Cabbage Patch Adventure

  Open Cabbage  had a "Kid-on-the-Go" activity.  Whoever wanted to participate would sign up, then take turns shipping the selected doll to the next person.  Whoever had the doll would keep it for a week, post photos of their adventure, and then add a souvenir to the box.  At the end of the adventure, a name would be drawn to keep the doll and all of the contents in the box.  It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately some items came up missing along the way, so they stopped doing it.  I participated a couple times.  Here are some of Abbi's adventures while she was with me... My kids have been loving Abbi (and trying to scheme in keeping her--Joy said, "Maybe if we put her in mud, then they won't want her back and we can keep her!" Even my husband chimed in, "Send one of the big softies, maybe they won't notice." LOL. I just keep telling them that we have a chance of winning her if our name is drawn. So then my husband said, "Put all of our na...

Abbi is on her way - A "Kid on the Go" Cabbage Patch Adventure

Open Cabbage had a "Kid-on-the-Go" activity.  Whoever wanted to participate would sign up, then take turns shipping the selected doll to the next person.  Whoever had the doll would keep it for a week, post photos of their adventure, and then add a souvenir to the box.  At the end of the adventure, a name would be drawn to keep the doll and all of the contents in the box.  It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately some items came up missing along the way, so they stopped doing it.  I participated a couple times.  Here are some of Abbi's adventures while she was with me... Abbi helped me with the laundry. Lynn enjoyed reading to Abbi and Paul. She was engrossed in the book with the bugs and puppies and all kinds of stuff. Abbi wanted to see what she would look like with popcorn hair. She’s pr etty cute! Abbi really liked my sewing machine. She wanted me to make her something, but I didn’t have enough time :( Maybe another day she’ll be able to c...


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