
Here you will find information about Cabbage Patch Kids, the items I have available for sale, and get updates to new available items.
Follow me on all my platforms: ✅InstagramFacebookEtsyEbayYoutubeDiana's Patch Blog

I regret to say that I will no longer be taking custom orders, restores, or reroots. I am finding that this has been taking too much of my time and I am missing my children growing up. Also, I suffer from Fibromyalgia, and a chronic wrist condition, making it difficult to reroot and restore. I am mainly focusing on making patterns since it is something I am capable of doing, even if the brain fog and fatigue from Fibro makes it take a long time. 

Make sure to check out my Youtube channel for personalized updates on my Etsy shop and tutorials.

You may be able to find someone who does restores/reroots on facebook group "Vintage Cabbage Patch Restoration."

Please feel free to look around the site.  Under the "Information" tab, I have worlds of information regarding Cabbage Patch Kids, the history, price guide, how to tell real from counterfeit, helpful links and resources, how to clean and repair, etc.

Get to know me a little bit by reading the About Me section and then follow me on all my platforms in the Connect With Me tab.

Please no more requests to make the Rainbow Brite outfit. It is far too tedious. I would need to charge $100 to make it worth it. I offer the pattern instead. It is available on Ebay, and Etsy (both paper and digital).


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