I recently ran across a listing on craigslist with 98 CPKs from an estate sale. This is what the ad was: I first replied to the ad, and received these photos: The person that placed the ad did not even have these. She had her cousin (I’m assuming) contact me. His aunt had passed away about 18 months ago, and her husband passed away about the same time. After finding this out, I thought it was strange that the ad said that “my wife” passed away. I asked how much he wanted for all of them. He said $500. I went with my dad (for security purposes, since you don’t know people on craigslist) and we picked them all up. When I was placing them in the bags, I noticed that there were a lot of them that were in horrible condition and stank. But, there were also some that were in perfect condition. I asked if he’d take $300 for all of them, since that’s about what they were worth. An older woman that was with him, which I’m assuming was his mother, who immediately said no without a single thou...