73 Crystal Barbie-Inspired Ensemble Pattern

Exciting news! My brand new sewing pattern,Crystal Barbie-Inspired Ensemble, is now available on cpkdiana.etsy.com ! I'm also working on patterns for Cabbage Patch Kids and American Girl Dolls, which will be available soon! In addition to selling patterns, I'm considering offering finished outfits for purchase. If you'd be interested in buying outfits for your dolls, please let me know! This will help me gauge interest and plan my fabric purchases accordingly. Thanks for your support, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! The Inspiration I've treasured my Crystal Barbie since I was about 4 years old. The memory of receiving her is still vivid – she was the most stunning doll I'd ever laid eyes on. Years of love and play took their toll, and her gown became yellowed and torn. Her boa, shoes, and jewelry were lost along the way. Determined to restore her former glory, I created a new gown, boa, and jewelry for her, and even found replacement shoes. I'm ov...