Headmolds & Timeline
The first edition of Coleco Mass Marketed Cabbage Patch Kids came out. The head molds they used were 1, 2, 3, and 4.#1
"Shy Face". Small eyes, sucked in smile, no dimples. Some 1985 kids were freckled.
There were freckled #1’s (white ‘kids only) in 1985 and part of 1986. Jesmar and Tri-Ange Pedigrees were freckled also.
"Brat Face". Big eyes, long nose, two cheek dimples. Some 1983 kids were freckled(freckled kids have small eyes)
In 1983 only, freckled #2’s (small eyes on Coleco ‘kids and large eyes on Jesmars) were produced, as well as red and brown fuzzied hairstyles. The #2 head mold was used on regular ‘kids, Hasbro Preemies (but very hard to find), Twins, World Travelers, and toddlers.
"Happy face". Large eyes, slightly crooked smile, one dimple on left cheek. Some 1983 kids had small eyes.
The #3 head molds normally have large eyes, as in the photo above, but in 1983 only, Coleco produced #3s with small eyes. The #3 head mold was used on regular ‘kids, Preemies, Babies (BBB), Twins, World Travelers, Toddlers, and Designer Line.
"Paci Face". hole in mouth for pacifier, two dimples on cheeks.

The #4 head mold was used on regular ‘kids, Preemies, BBBs, Twins, World Travelers, Toddlers, and Designer Line (without pacifiers).
The second edition came out with the same head molds. Preemies were introduced this year.
Notice in the ad there is a #5 head mold Preemie, but there were no #5 Preemies produced, which means that there is a prototype #5 Preemie somewhere. I also have seen a Coleco Preemie ad with a #2 head mold, so there's a prototype of that somewhere, too. The #2 head molds on Preemies were produced in the later years when Hasbro took over, so there are Hasbro #2 preemies.
Notice in the ad there is a #5 head mold Preemie, but there were no #5 Preemies produced, which means that there is a prototype #5 Preemie somewhere. I also have seen a Coleco Preemie ad with a #2 head mold, so there's a prototype of that somewhere, too. The #2 head molds on Preemies were produced in the later years when Hasbro took over, so there are Hasbro #2 preemies.
The third edition came out with the same head molds, but also introduced head molds 5, 6, 8 and 9.(Note: There was no #7 head mold, but since the #5 hm doesn't have a number on the back of the head, and there is a prototype of an asian head mold (similar to TRU K-2 hm) that does have a #5 on it, some believe that the original #5 hm was the asian, and the single tooth is #7.)
#5 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, World Travelers, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Poseables, and a few transitional 'kids.

#6 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, Astronauts, Cornsilk (without pacifiers), and BBBs. Not many were produced after ‘86.
#8 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, World
Travelers, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Grow Hair Kids, Hasbro Preemies, and
transitional 'kids.

#9 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Twins, World Travelers, Hasbro Preemies, Toddlers and Grow Hair 'kids.
Specialty lines started, such as Twins, World Travelers, Show Ponys and ‘Kids in Western Outfits.
Most of these kids were not stamped "#5", so in the earlier years they were known as "Single Tooth kids". One tooth, 2 dimples on cheeks. Some came wearing headgear.
#5 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, World Travelers, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Poseables, and a few transitional 'kids.
#5 Prototype
Also labeled as #6 on this website: https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/prototype-cabbage-patch-prototype-6/lgFblxbAZ_RLsw
This is the other pacifier face, but this kid is a lot chubbier. One shallow dimple on left cheek.
#6 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, Astronauts, Cornsilk (without pacifiers), and BBBs. Not many were produced after ‘86.
There was no #7 head mold made (see #5 for explanation.)
"Glasses face". Pert nose, big ears, one dimple on the left cheek. Some of these kids come wearing glasses.
"Monkey face," as they look a little like monkeys. Two dimples, crooked smile, big ears.
#9 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Twins, World Travelers, Hasbro Preemies, Toddlers and Grow Hair 'kids.
Specialty lines started, such as Twins, World Travelers, Show Ponys and ‘Kids in Western Outfits.
The ‘Kids came with a wire in their thumb to hold something. They came with either a toothbrush or crayon to hold. The new head molds included 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16.The Specialty lines produced were Astronauts, Circus Kids, All-Stars, and Cornsilks.
Babies (Bean Butt Babies) were introduced this year, in head molds 1, 3, 4, and 6. (18, 20, and 21 were not added until a couple years later)
An interesting fact in history is that this was the year that Coleco planned on introducing Preemie Twins, but it never came to pass. No preemies were produced this year.

Two dimples, an open mouth with two teeth showing on the bottom.
#10 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Astronauts, Cornsilk.
Two dimples, closed smile with tongue sticking out, up and to the left.

#11 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Poseables, and Transitional 'kids.
Two dimples, sucked in smile-- eyes, nose, and dimples almost identical to #10, and #11.
#12 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Poseables, and Transitional 'kids.
There are no #13 head molds.
This face has a double chin, sucked in smile, little nose, and a shallow dimple on the right cheek.
#14 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Astronauts, and Cornsilk,
No dimples, but a very big closed smile.
#15 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Astronauts, Cornsilk, Poseables, Grow Hair, and Toddlers.
Almost identical to the #12, but has one dimple, and it is on the chin.
#16 mold was used on regular ‘kids, All-star, Circus, Twins, and Cornsilk.
Head molds #17 and 18 were introduced.#17
"Chipmunk face". Very chubby cheeks, little open mouth, with two teeth coming out the top, No dimples.
Chubby cheeks, open mouth with tongue sticking out and down to the left, one very shallow dimple on the right cheek. I think it looks like it's blowing raspberries (pfft.)
Preemies were produced again. All-vinyl Splashin’ Kids and battery-operated Talking Kids were introduced.
Head molds #19 and #20 were introduced.#19
Small eyes, big opened mouth smile, eight teeth, with the top two-front teeth missing
Chubby cheeks, very tiny closed smile, no dimples.
Preemie and Toddler
#20 head molds were on Babies, Preemies, and Toddlers.Grow Hair ‘Kids and Toddlers were introduced this year.
Large nose, one dimple on right cheek, opened smile with a little curled tongue showing.

Wide set eyes, little nose, no dimples, chubby cheeks, crooked smile with one small tooth sticking out the bottom.
Only available on Growin' Hair Kids in 1988, this head mold has a crooked smile showing one lower tooth. Some dolls had freckles spanning across the cheeks and nose.
Wide set eyes, littler nose, crooked smile that goes up at the right, chubby cheeks (right one is chubbier than the left), also there is a little tongue showing through mouth.
Also only available on Growin' Hair Kids, this head mold has a smile showing a pink tounge and on some dolls, freckles.
There are no head mold 24-29
Round face, and a small crooked smile that goes up to the right.
Round face, and a small crooked smile that goes up to the right, tongue showing. This is one of the most sought-after head molds, and is pretty rare.
There are no head molds 31-35
Coleco sold their rights to Hasbro, so a lot of the ‘Kids are half Coleco, half Hasbro. Collectors call this the Transitional period. ‘Kids in this period are called “Transitionals” or “Trannies”.I have seen the following headmolds for Transitionals (although there could be more):
5, 8, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 30.This year the Designer Line was introduced with headmolds 36, 44, and 45.
Longer face, almond-shaped eyes. Asian features.
Mostly on the Designer line kids, this head mold has a small smile, with a dimple on its right side of the mouth. Very similar to #44, but does not have a dimpled chin.
Designer Line used headmolds 3, 4, 18, 19, 36, 44, and 45.
This is the Asian head mold that appeared in the late 80's. It was most common on the Designer Line kids and the kids with cornsilk hair. Features large almond shaped eyes and nice full cheeks.
There are no head molds 37-43
Chubby cheeks, large eyes, one dimple in the chin.
A bright happy expression with a dimple in the chin.
Very chubby cheeks, large eyes, closed smile, one dimple on right cheek very close to mouth.
Mostly on the Designer line kids, this head mold has a small smile, with a dimple on its right side of the mouth. Very similar to #44, but does not have a dimpled chin.
Designer Line used headmolds 3, 4, 18, 19, 36, 44, and 45.
For more information, go to Open Cabbage forums.
More timelines and headmolds: http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/cabbagepatch/timeline.html
More timelines and headmolds: http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/cabbagepatch/timeline.html